Please find here the contact information of the customer service and the Scout Station as well as the staff of the Guides and Scouts of Finland. Personal email addresses:
Joining the Scouts
Would you or your child like to join the Scouts? Contact the nearest local group. You can find it with the local group search. Each local group has a local group leader who you can contact directly.
Customer service, the Scout Station and invoicing
Customer and member service
You can reach us by email, phone, or in the chat service.
Please send your message by email to or leave a contact request on
Telephone service is open on weekdays from Monday to Tuesday and from Thursday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On Wednesdays, the member service is open from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our phone service is closed during weekends and holidays.
If your matter is related to membership invoicing or ending a membership, please make the change in the electronic member service. Log in to The Guides and Scouts of Finland´s e-service
Scout matters of children under the age of 15 years (registration for events, camps, checking membership fee invoices, changes to information) are handled in the electronic member service with guardian ID´s at
(09) 8865 1100
Scout Station
The Scout Station is an office building located in Töölö, Helsinki. The scout volunteers can hold meetings in the meeting rooms of the Scout Station. Staff are available at the Scout Station from Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We’re here for you whenever you need us:
Töölönkatu 55
00250 Helsinki
Online invoicing:
Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry
EDI: 003702022529
eInvoice Intermediator: 003708599126 (OpenText)
As a reference, enter the client’s name and the item number
Email invoices (PDF)
Printed invoices
Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry
PL 64349
01051 LASKUT
Kati Palsanen
Chief Executive
+358 40 825 1620
Venla Monter
Administrative & HR Manager
045 105 0608
Kaisu Tolvanen
Communications and Marketing Manager
+358 44 766 0377
Tea Hurme
Head of Organisational Development
050 446 0055
Anna Bryk
Head of Local Group Support and Education
040 718 5721
Iina Leppäaho
Fundraising Specialist
050 541 9236
International Executive
Karoliina Eronen
044 766 0672
International Commissioners
The Guides and Scouts of Finland is a member of the both world organisations, WOSM and WAGGGS.
We also have two International Commissioners
- IC WOSM: Oona Hannula
- IC WAGGGS: Meri Vikström
Contact information
Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry
Töölönkatu 55
00250 Helsinki
The Guides and Scouts of Finland is divided into 11 scout districts, shown in the map. You can contact our districts through the headquarters.
A Lapin Partiolaiset ry
B Pohjanmaan Partiolaiset ry
C Järvi-Suomen Partiolaiset ry
c Pohjois-Savon Partiolaiset ry
D Lounais-Suomen Partiopiiri ry
E Hämeen Partiopiiri ry
F Kymenlaakson Partiopiiri ry
G Etelä-Karjalan Partiolaiset ry
H Uudenmaan Partiopiiri ry
I Pääkaupunkiseudun Partiolaiset ry
Photo: Noora Qvick