Guiding and Scouting is a wonderful hobby where kids and young people get to learn new things about nature, themselves, other people and surrounding living environment. By joining the Guides and Scouts you get to pick up new things by doing them yourself instead of reading about them in books. Guiding and Scouting is for everyone and a hobby where each individual can truly make a difference!
Everyone is welcome to join Guiding and Scouting! Guiding and Scouting is all about doing things together: hiking, skiing, canoeing, sailing, practising first aid, making crafts and honing your woodcraft skills in the great outdoors.
Anyone who is 7 years of age or older is free to join and there is no maximum age limit. The Scout Movement is an international youth movement with tens of millions of members around the world. The essence of Guiding and Scouting is engaging in a diverse assortment of activities together with others and interacting with a wide variety of people. Where you come from is not important. All you need is a willingness to get involved.
All children from the age of 7, youngsters or adults can become Guides or Scouts! Search for your closest local troop and contact them to join this wonderful youth movement.

If you want to start a new hobby and join the Guides and Scouts of Finland you can also contact your local district. You can find the district map and contact information by clicking here.

Top photo: Filip Eller