Membership fees and invoicing

Scouting is an inexpensive hobby. By paying around 100 euros per year you can participate in the activities of your local group, the Scout District and the Guides and Scouts of Finland. The fee also makes you part of the international Scout movement. The payment includes the membership fees of the Guides and Scouts of Finland and the Scout District. Some local groups may collect a separate membership fee.

The first member in the family and all Scouts over 17 are in the payment category 1. Other members below 17 years of age from the family are in the lower payment category 2.

In addition to the membership fee, there are participation fees for events. Payments for trips and camps vary according to the organiser and costs.

Invoicing principles

By paying the membership fee, the member, the guardian or other payer approves the principles of invoicing. These terms and conditions are referred to in the membership invoice.

The key points of the principles:

  • The membership fee is determined on the date of invoicing based on the local group and the membership category marked in the Scout register Kuksa.
  • Paid membership fees are not refunded. Membership fees or their remainders cannot be used for the benefit of other members, even if the grounds for membership invoicing would change or the membership would end after the payment.
  • A Scout is considered to be entitled to membership benefits when the person has been added to the Scout register and the membership fee has not become due or has been paid.
  • The member must verify that the membership information is correct.

By paying the membership fee, the member, the guardian or other payer approves the principles of invoicing.


  • The invoicing period starts on 1 August.
  • Membership fees are invoiced between 1 September and 30 June.
  • Membership fees are usually invoiced in November so that the membership is valid at the beginning of the new calendar year.
  • The membership type
    • All who are 17 or older are payment category 1 members.
    • If there are more Scouts in the family, all under 17 are payment category 2 members.
    • If all Scouts in the family are under 17, one of them is payment category 1 member and others payment category 2 members.
  • A Scout is considered to be in the scope of membership benefits when he/she has been added to the Scout register and his/her membership fee has not become due or has been paid.
  • New member
    • When a new member is added to the register during the invoicing period, he/she will receive the membership fee invoice within a week.
    • When joining before 1 August, the member will be invoiced for the current year.
    • When joining after 1 August, the member will be invoiced for the following year but the invoice also includes the membership fee of the current year.
  • The member must verify that the membership information is correct.
  • The membership fee includes the fees of the central organisation, the district and the local group (if charged). The central organisation pays a share of the fee to the membership organisations according to a separate schedule.
  • The membership fee is determined on the date of invoicing based on the local group and the membership category.
  • Membership fees will not be refunded even though the membership would end during the operating year.
  • Membership fees or their remainders cannot be used for the benefit of other members, even if the grounds for membership invoicing would change after the payment.
    • If no membership fee has been paid and the membership category changes, a new invoice can be made on the request of the local group.

Guardian as the payer

The guardian can select him/herself as the payer in the Kuksa system, under the title “huollettavat” (dependants) in the guardian’s information. After this, the guardian can select if the membership fee should be sent by mail or email from “SP:n lähettämien laskujen laskutustapa” (type of invoicing).

Activate eInvoice!

A member who is 18 or older can make an eInvoice contract with his/her bank by using the membership number. Also guardians can make an eInvoice contract with their bank by using the guardian number. By activating a link in Kuksa, the invoices of underage members can be directed to the guardian’s bank.

Validity of invoice

The membership insurance covers new members of a local group immediately after the local group has notified them as new members to the Kuksa register. The insurance of new members is valid from the arrival of the notification until the due date of the membership fee. The validity ceases if the invoice is not paid by the due date. A member is insured when the membership payment is valid.

Exemption of membership fee

A member can be freed from membership fee because of financial, social or health-related reasons. The purpose of the exemption of membership fee is to ensure that children and young people from families of limited means also are able to join the Scouts. You can apply for an exemption of membership fee at any time before the due date of the membership invoice. An exemption of membership fee is granted by the Scout District.

An exemption of membership fee can be applied by the member or the guardian when the member is under 18 years of age. To apply for an exemption, please use a district-specific link below. To apply for an exemption, you need a user ID (PartioID) for the Scout register Kuksa. You need to make a separate application for each member!

Please note that you can change the membership fee exemption form language from the flag symbols visible in the upper right corner.

Assistance for applying for an exemption of membership fee:

Problems in member count

If you have received an erroneous invoice, please contact your local group first. Since you are a member of a local group, membership issues are dealt with in the local group. However, if you cannot reach the local group, you may contact Include your full name and membership number in the message and explain what is incorrect in your membership invoice.