All Guides and Scouts who have paid their membership fee have business liability, accident, passenger, luggage and travel liability insurance in LähiTapiola. The Scout insurance has moved to LähiTapiola on 1 January 2014.
Making a claim notification
In case of damage, the easiest way to make a claim notification is to use the website or call 09 453 2316 (Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–5 p.m.). When making a claim notification, you need the following information:
- Policyholder: Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry (Business ID: 0202252-9)
- The name and bank account of the recipient of compensation.
- Expenses (Keep the original receipts of treatment expenses for 12 months. The insurance company will requested them separately if necessary.)
In case of damage, apply for compensation primarily through your personal insurance (if any).
Membership insurance numbers and the policyholder’s business ID
- Accident, passenger, luggage and travel liability insurance 353-4356413-6
- Business liability insurance 312-0652320-V
- Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry, Business ID 0202252-9 (for claim notification)
EVP insurance
- EVP insurance is valid with persons who are not members of the Scouts but are getting familiar with the Scouting activities. Scouting activities refer here to activity in compliance with the operation plan, or activity of which the leadership of the local group, the district or the central organisation is aware of.
- In case of damage, follow the Scout insurance instructions and use the insurance number 353-4658306-N
More information about insurance and damages
In questions related to damages, compensations and terms and conditions of insurance, or if you need assistance, please contact LähiTapiola directly. Compensation decisions are always made by the insurance company. For instructions on making a compensation application, see the documents at the bottom of this page. You can also call the LähiTapiola compensation service 09 453 2316.
In other questions related to Scout and EVP insurance, please contact Pia Schildt (