Frequently Asked Questions about Guiding and Scouting in Finland

Here you can find information about Guiding and Scouting in Finland in different languages.

Information in the local languages of Finland is available in Finnish and Swedish.

If needed, translate webpages in Chrome browser

When you come across a page written in a language you don’t understand, you can use Chrome browser to translate the page.

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • Go to a webpage written in another language.
  • On the right of the address bar, click Translate
  • Click on your preferred language.
  • Chrome will translate your current webpage.

Not working? Try refreshing the webpage. If it’s still not working, right-click anywhere on the page. Then, click Translate to [Language].

FAQ for people new to Guiding and Scouting

How to join Guiding and Scouting in Finland?

We have gathered answers and advice regarding joining the Guides and Scouts of Finland in different languages, please find out more through these links:

FAQ for international Guides and Scouts planning on contacting/visiting Finland

Here you can find Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers in English intended for Guides and Scouts worldwide.

How could we participate in a Guide/Scout camp in Finland? Who to contact?

You can find some summer and winter camps on our events page. There are usually contact details of the contact person for the given camp. Another good place to look for camps is the Facebook group the Guides and Scouts visiting Finland. And of course, you can contact our international department.

How can we find Finnish pen pals?

You can post your request on a Facebook group called Scouts and Guides visiting Finland. It is an informal forum to get into contact with Finnish Guides and Scouts.

Do you have any campsites?

Yes, we do. Additionally, many regional districts have their own campsites. If you know where in Finland you want to stay, you can contact the local Guide and Scout district and ask about campsites they offer. You can find the district map here. For example, the Metropolitan Area Guides and Scouts have some campsites.

Where can I buy Guide and Scouts items like canvas badges?

Scandinavian Outdoor Store sells badges and other Guide and Scout items. They have stores e.g. in Helsinki, Turku and Tampere. You can also visit their web store to purchase products.


Please, keep in mind that unfortunately, the headquarters of the Guides and Scouts of Finland DO NOT sell any Guide and Scout products.

What comes to Erasmus+ volunteering and European Solidarity Corps:
Please notice that Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry is an accredited organization for the European Solidarity Corps volunteering program. You can find us in the ESC Database. At the moment we are acting as a sending organization, so there are no free places for volunteers coming to Finland.

Illustration: Meeri Rasivirta

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