It’s the best time to start a new hobby — join Guiding and Scouting

Even if summer is not yet over, schools and hobbies are starting soon after the holiday season. The best time to join Guiding and Scouting is now, since new groups are starting in August and in September!

Why join?

Guiding and Scouting is fun, versatile and useful hobby, which offers lots of things to do to all ages! Guiding and Scouting supports the growth of children and youth and it encourages to self development. The essence of Guiding and Scouting is engaging in a diverse assortment of activities together with others and interacting with a wide variety of people.

Join Guiding and Scouting and:

  • venture, have fun and play with others
  • get new friends
  • unforgettable camp and nature experiences and possibilities to outdo yourself
  • international experiences
  • do things yourself and make a difference

Join Guiding and Scouting as an adult

Guiding and Scouting is a great hobby also for an adult. It doesn’t matter, if you don’t have experience from Guiding and Scouting before: you will get help and training. Guiding and Scouting offers balance for work and routines. Guiding and Scouting as an adult is volunteering which makes the hobby of many children and youth possible. Are you interested in leading groups, organize trips, help in the administration work or just help every once in a while? Everyone is needed!

Join now!

New groups are starting in August and in September, so now it’s the best time to join! Read more and find your local group:

If you’re uncertain which local group is best for you or your child, contact The Guides and Scouts of Finland by phone: 09 8865 1100 or by email: